Saturday, October 22, 2005

i just made this blog

or saf did, rather, so i can post (albeit intermittently) on blogs. ok, saf's writing this too, but that's ok, because we all know she has a telepathic ability (with me anyway).

so, i'll be around and about.

happy blogging!

tony at the red table


Tulip said...

hi Tony-uhhh-saf-uhh???
welcome to the wonderful world of blogging - I hope that you/saf/you throughsaf are bitten (by the blogging bug).:)

sappho said...

kekekekeke...good question, molly-o, especially since i kind of like tony's blogspot address and name of blog better than mine....we chose it together, so i feel a sense of ownership over it too. and IF YOU COME BACK TO TORONTO MOLLY MCINTYRE I WILL SCREAM. please come back! please please please!!!! guess what. last night we were at a wedding and they played GIRLS JUST WANNA HAVE FUN and i danced for YOU. i told everyone i was dancing for you (yes, i was drunk. but it was FOR YOU MOLLY) and i sang too.

you'd better come back. it isn't much fun singing along to songs without you.

and i promise, at my wedding, you will be there, and we will dance and sing to "girls just wanna have fun" too. ok?
